Country: Colombia
Region: Pitalito and San Agustín, Huila
Farmer/Grower: Multiple growers
Varieties: Caturra, Colombia
Processing: Washed
Grade: Excelso
Altitude: 1850-2000 m.a.s.l.
Humidity: 11.40%
Density: 1.18 g/ml
Harvest Date: March, 2023
Arrival Date: August, 2023
Marks: 003-0068-0846
Reference ID: HA-2166-01
SCA Cupping Score: 85.25
Each implement practices and techniques that match the standards and expectations of the blend. Each producer delivering coffee for this group lot starts with selective picking and floater separation. Coffee is depulped leaving about 20% of the mucilage intact before being fermented in water in a traditional washing tank. Once fermentation is complete, the parchment coffee is dried on raised beds for 18 days while being constantly moved to promote uniform drying. Once dried to 10.5% humidity, the parchment coffee is sent to the receiving warehouse in Pitalito for cupping and final selection of the blend.
The Macizo (Massif) is a vast mountainous area in the Cauca, Huila, and Tolima states. The Macizo is part of the Andes mountains, where the Magdalena and Cauca rivers are born. The Macizo is a well known area for producing top quality coffees in Colombia.