Ethiopia Sidamo Faysel Abdosh Karamo Anaerobic Natural

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  • Country: Ethiopia

    Location: Geta river, Hayissa Olocho Village, Karamo Municipality, Bura District, Sidamo

    Washing Station: Gara Agena (Karamo)

    Farmer/Grower: Faysel Abdosh

    Varieties: 774110, 74158

    Processing: Anaerobic Natural

    Altitude: 1900-2300 m.a.s.l.

    Humidity: 9.7%

    Density: 1.18 g/ml

    Harvest Date: January, 2022

    Arrival Date: Ocotober, 2022

    Grade: 1

    Marks: 010-0276-0074

    SCA Cupping Score: 87.75

  • Raspberry and tropical fruit in the fragrance with an aroma of strawberry mochi and candied fruit. Intense tropical flavors of blueberry, banana, coconut and other tropical fruits. The aftertaste is like raw honey or maple syrup with a bright acidity that shows notes of pineapple and fresh yogurt. The body is heavy with a syrupy mouthfeel.
  • With so much fruit jumping out, we recommend keeping this coffee roasted light to preserve all of the crazy nuance in the cup. Like many anaerobic naturals, we find that a gentle approach with heat during roasting can benefit the final cup.

Throughout the 7 days, the fermentation tanks were placed in concrete water baths to maintain constant temperatures between 15 and 18 degrees Celsius and to keep the fermentation very slow. The fermentation process was homogenized by rotating or moving the tanks. 

At the end of the seventh day, the fermentation was suspended by taking out the cherries from the tanks. On the first day out of tanks, a quick drying is applied until the coffee humidity drops to 35%. Cherries were then dried for 30 days under shade on African beds. Once the drying period is completed and the humidity decreased to 12%, cherries were collected and stored in a conducive warehouse for four weeks of resting time before final milling and sorting. 

The Gara Agena washing station is owned and operated by the Yonis family. We have had the pleasure of working with Faysel since 2015, and the coffee never disappoints!

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Colton Johnstone
Holy Blue Berries!!

This was one of the best coffees i’ve roasted this year!! I need more!

Haha! Glad you enjoyed Faysel's coffee, Colton.

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Robert Chapman

No doubt that this coffee boasts big blueberry notes, but this coffee doesn’t go bad! Holding out in jars on our counters for pour overs to order, we’ve been worried that after about 4-6 weeks we’d better pull it. But to our surprise, this coffee was still as amazing as it was the first week!

We agree! We have been finding that a lot of our densest coffees tend to taste their best in the 2-4 weeks off roasting and then continue to taste great beyond that. Thanks for sharing your experience, Rob!

Kevin Wangsnes
Wonderful flavor

I roasted it light and it was a wonderful flavor of blueberry and other berry flavors that came out. My colleagues enjoyed it allot! They were asking for more of this boutique coffee. I will buy more when it comes available. Thank you!

Glad you and your colleagues enjoyed Faysel's coffee, Kevin! Thanks for sharing your experience with the coffee.

Sergey Bondarchuk

Well worth the price of admission. One of the most favorable coffees I have tried this year.

Same! Thanks for sharing your feedback on Faysel's coffee.

Jacob Hughes
Fantastic and interesting!

Complex fermented flavors and reminds me of a blueberry muffin

We agree! The fermented flavors are super unique without any 'boozy-ness' or acetic acid. Thanks, Jacob.